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Stress-reducing, fear-eliminating, belief-reversing,
time-freeing, energy-making, joy-creating…

…and so much more!

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What if... imagine your life if you...

Dear Friend,


Does this sound familiar?

Your business has served you well, but you’ve hit a brick wall that you can’t seem to bust through. So you look to buy some new course, coaching program, or mastermind for help getting to that next level.

But after going through the program, you’re still stuck where you were before, except with much lighter pockets.

How many of these programs and courses have you actually completed?

And it’s not just your business that’s suffering.

The stress of running your company has risen considerably, causing you to lose the passion you had when you first started…

Burning you out…

And having a negative effect on everyone around you.

What’s worse, you know you have the potential to impact thousands of lives around the world, but you see other “gurus” reaching your audience more effectively than you.

And you realize that all you need is ONE single breakthrough to get there.

Hi, Mark and Katie here!

We specialize in working with impactful entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and agency owners who are OVER trying to “make it all work” and ready to try a NEW way to grow their business, increase their income, have more free time  and fall in love with their business (and life) again.

This IS FOR YOU if:

  • you're fed up of struggling to increase your revenues...
  • you want to reach more of your ideal audience...
  • you desire to build and make a tremendous impact on your tribe…
  • and fall in love with your business all over again…
  • while shedding the frustration of poor results once and for all...
  • to establish yourself as THE expert in your field.

Oh hey!

Oh hey!

Our wisdom has come from applied knowledge, not simply second-hand information.

We assumed nothing and tested MANY things out to find the right methods, approach & combinations that deliver results.

We were just like you, before we made a discovery...

We’ve got a system that no one is using… In fact, we’re shocked that no one has figured this out before!

We’ll explain more about this system in a minute, but first, you should know that we, too, have experienced the same frustration.

Between the two of us, we’ve employed countless mentors, teachers, and coaches, read a gazillion self-improvement and business books, and taken more courses and training programs than we care to share… costing us multiple tens of thousands of dollars…

While getting a smattering of results, only to find more challenges and roadblocks that kept us from achieving our goals.

What the fresh hell, right?!

We KNEW there was a better way, out there somewhere. So we sought out and worked with industry leaders, learning from some of the world’s most successful, logical, imaginative and driven people. They hail from many different cultures, backgrounds, industries, and professions.

Through our work, we discovered the importance of chemistry, biology and neuroscience, mixed with the power of spirituality and natural laws, and found the reason behind why only some people succeed while most fail – even when they’re given the same information or strategies.

Armed with this knowledge, we developed a simple, yet comprehensive system that cracks the code of success in a fun and enjoyable way.

Since then, our clients (and us, as well) have experienced powerful results. Such as Dora, like many of our clients, she struggled with nerves and self-doubt about putting herself out there…

Fearful of criticism and what others might think. Lacking the self belief…

But after just ONE session with us, Dora gained the clarity, confidence and direction to take her coaching business to the next level.

As for Katie, I gained the courage and ability to finally speak what was true for me and make the hard decisions in my life that I was avoiding.

Since applying the insights and strategies of what we’re about to show you, I stopped worrying about what everyone else thought I should be doing and focused on being able to value my own wants and needs.

Because of that, I’ve been able to create the life I’ve always dreamed of.

I now travel the world regularly…

In a relationship that is fulfilling in all the ways I ever imagined…

Doing the work and making the impact I’ve always dreamed of doing…

And have it all woven into my role as a mother of four.

What about Mark? I’ve increased my revenues as a performance coach while also working ONLY with the people and clients I actually WANTED to work with…

Taking the right projects instead of just ANY work.

And being able to manage my thoughts and emotions so that I can control what I need to do, when I need to do it.

So when I applied the same strategies that you too will soon be learning, if you join today,  I began stringing together 5-figure months consistently, and gained the confidence and belief to direct my business EXACTLY where I wanted to take it.

And business actually became even more fun, easy, and lucrative.

So the question for you is…

Are you satisfied with where your life and business are right now?

Or do you want more?

If you’re OVER trying to “make it all work” and ready to try a NEW way to enjoy five, even 6-figure months, while having the life balance that excites you every single morning you wake up…

Pay close attention – This may be the most important opportunity you’re ever presented with.

Our wisdom has come from applied knowledge, not simply second-hand information.

We assumed nothing and tested MANY things out to find the right methods, approach & combinations that deliver results.

You’ll hate this if:

  • you want to continue to drag your feet...
  • you need to make excuses and blame others...
  • or you don’t value helping others and making a difference in the world...
  • you're indecisive or wishy-washy...
  • and if you aren’t willing to invest in yourself.

How would life change if you were equipped to leverage what's holding you back...?

What you will get from day 1:

    There's a scientific reason for it.
    The counterintuitive approach that NO ONE teaches.
    Actual, tangible results for yourself, BOOM!
  • … AND have fun all the way!

Join today 🚀

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Thank you so much for this, it meant so much. I now have clarity and I’ve identified what my fear was and what to do, as well as what I want and need! True words and food for thought, you were absolutely right, thank you so much! I needed to hear this. 🙏🏻

Gabriella, London

Most Courses Don’t Work

Why? We all know that coaching programs, masterminds, or even top-notch training courses are some of the best ways to gain the knowledge to grow our businesses.

But the problem is… They often don’t “work.”

What I mean by that is that no matter how good the program is, and no matter how hard we work to put the new strategies to work for our businesses…

The results are lackluster at best, and it leads to even greater frustration with the added bonus of being thousands, and even tens of thousands of dollars poorer.

Our little-known “Defense Override” method is a shortcut to “juice up” the programs you’re already invested in and achieve those elusive revenue gains for your business.

It’s the FASTEST method we’ve discovered to… Eliminate overwhelm, burnout, and resentment… Provide clarity and focus… Unblock the hurdles that make it possible for you to increase your reach and make an impact on thousands of lives…

…all WITHOUT wasting time and money building out new, complex marketing systems that aren’t even necessary.

I’m going to reveal the exact details in just a minute. First, I need to give you an overview of WHY it works so well.

How Often Have You Done This...

As entrepreneurs and coaches ourselves, we know how tempting it is to discover a brand new, “magic bullet” technique or strategy that promises to grow our businesses like nothing else before it.

So, like you, we’ve reached for the credit card, signed up for the latest and greatest training course, coaching program, or mastermind, and hit the refresh button on the inbox over and over again, waiting eagerly for the link and login to the member’s area.

Then take hours and hours to go through the program, mind blown by the newest tips and tricks that you’re sure will shatter the glass ceiling.

But after you struggle to apply what you’ve learned to your business, the training falls flat and fails to make an impact, causing you to search for that next “magic bullet.”

So we buy the next shiny object that catches our eye, give it a shot, and once again experience the overwhelming frustration of yet another solution with lackluster results…

Failing to live up to the promise of the webinar or sales letter… And we repeat this vicious cycle over and over again.

How many times have you gone through this cycle, even in just the last 6 to 12 months?

If you’ve ever been on this merry-go-round, there’s something you should know…

It’s NOT your fault!

There’s an actual mechanism hard-wired into your brain that acts like an anchor tied around your waist while you’re trying to swim. It’s single-handedly responsible for preventing you from getting the results you’re looking for, weighing you and your business down, no matter how hard you work to overcome it.

We call this the “BTF Cycle,” which stands for Buy-Try-Fail.

When you’re caught in the BTF Cycle, we fool ourselves into thinking that the next  “thing” we purchase is going to be the one that solves all of our problems.

So we feel compelled to buy the next course, coaching program, or mastermind because we anticipate the potential result. Inevitably, we feel a let-down from failing.

The reason this happens is the same reason gamblers chase the thrill of games of chance, and eventually become addicted to that rush.

Your Brain On Drugs

Every time we do something enjoyable, such as eating or sex, dopamine (The reward chemical) is released. The thing is, it’s a little-known fact that dopamine is ALSO released in situations where the reward is uncertain…

And even more so in anticipation of that uncertain reward, according to a study conducted by Dr. Huberman of Stanford University. The anticipation of the reward triggers the release of 30 to 40 times the dopamine, which triggers the desire to engage in action.

What that means is, when you’re gambling, dopamine is released when you feel like the next hand or roll of the dice will be the winner.

It’s the same exact thing when you’re looking into a training program.

You’re anticipating that it’s that next one that’s going to win, which delivers a dopamine hit. It’s that dopamine hit that keeps you stuck in the BTF Cycle as your brain continues to crave that hit and does everything it can to get it.

And then, once you do make the purchase, a secondary mechanism takes over, which causes the underwhelming results.

Protect Yourself From Failure?

You see, when you come across new information, there’s an element of risk that goes with it. You learn the information, and it makes perfect sense to you. So you dream about the possibilities of what it can do for you and your business.

But there’s a voice in your head that pumps the brakes.

It’s that voice that’s constantly saying, “What if?”

What if I run these ads and waste money? What if I create a funnel but nobody buys? What if I make this phone call and they hang up on me?

When you face this type of risk, your brain interprets it negatively, firing off all kinds of defense mechanisms. It creates a stress response and triggers anxiety. It also creates uncertainty, which also fires the stress response.

So the brain responds by doing everything it can to remove the stress and bring you back into a place that it feels is safer for you.

It’s what you know as the “comfort zone.”

Your body’s defense mechanisms will do anything to keep you in the comfort zone, even if what you’re trying to do is for your own benefit.

The Vicious Cycle

So when you’re trying to grow your business, you’re actually working against your own biology, and more often than not, biology wins…

Which keeps you in the BTF Cycle. The more you’re in the BTF Cycle, the more overwhelm, frustration, and burnout you’ll feel when the results don’t come your way. And it seems like there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

So the truth is…

It has NOTHING to do with the course or coaching being ineffective or inferior

It has NOTHING to do with the economy, global health crises, the president, the alignment of the stars, or any other external forces.

In fact, you already possess everything you need to succeed.

The reason you’re stuck in a rut, headed towards burnout, and falling out of love with your business is because you’re stuck in the BTF Cycle…

And your brain’s defense mechanisms are fighting to keep you there.

This happens on a subconscious level without you even knowing it, so you can be forgiven for being stuck and seeing limited results.

After several years of being trapped in this vicious cycle ourselves we broke free…

The Missing Key

We’ve uncovered the root cause of what keeps someone in the BTF Cycle from getting massive results and developed a system that obliterates the roadblocks that cause this cycle to continue.

So the reason you can’t escape is because you’re missing a key process that breaks the BTF Cycle for good.

This process overrides your brain’s built-in, hard-wired defense mechanisms using a holistic approach that combines science, psychology, and metaphysics in an easy-to-follow, structured, accessible way…

So that you’re actually using your brain’s mechanisms to work FOR you, rather than AGAINST you.

It’s a process that no infoproduct, coach, or MBA program ever mentions, and yet it’s so critical to running a business that it’s literally the difference between success and failure.

Once you discover this key process and unlock the BTF Cycle, you’ll find the world will open up to you like never before.

You’ll be able to execute the same strategies you already have within you with more clarity, focus, and drive to make it work.

And you’ll find yourself more energized, fulfilled, and loving every second that you spend on your business.

The best way to explain the concept is this…

A 3-Wheeled Ferrari

A Ferrari is one of the most beautiful, elegant, and sporty cars ever created. But for all the beauty and power that the car possesses, without all 4 wheels, it’s not going to move an inch.

It’s the same thing with you and your business.

You are a Ferrari. You possess the knowledge, the skill, and the passion to move places. But you’re missing the 4th wheel to make it all go… the key process that breaks the BTF Cycle.

That’s why we developed a completely new, innovative approach to business mastery for entrepreneurs and coaches who have the potential to impact thousands of lives around the world.

This model is all about empowering you with the missing key process that makes everything that you already possess go from zero to 60 in no time flat…

And overrides your defense mechanisms so that you can work with your biology, not against it.


The Unforget Yourself® System

The Unforget Yourself® System is a streamlined program that’s designed to help you bust through the insidious BTF Cycle in as little as the first lesson.

You’ll learn how to defeat the BTF Cycle by OVERRIDING your brain’s own defense mechanisms, forcing it to work for you instead of against you.

Here’s how it works…

Step 1: Protection

We help you identify the protection mechanisms that are holding you down like an anchor. These are unique to each individual.

This is the root of why you’re holding yourself back from success, even without knowing it.

Your own defense mechanisms that are designed to keep you safe from harm are actually also preventing you from being successful.

Understand your defense mechanisms and how to flip the script to make them work FOR you… Without this foundational step, anything you do will be less effective.

When you do this right you’ll be able to unclog the blocks and put yourself in the best position to succeed.

Step 2: Recalibrate

Once we’ve identified your unique protection mechanisms, we help you recalibrate them to make those mechanisms work for you, instead of against you.

When you unclogged your systems, you’re ready to position yourself for success

This step takes what you already know and pours gasoline on it

When you do this right the plans you make will have a much greater chance of success. Your eyes and mind will open to new opportunities that you’ve been blind to and overlooked before. You’ll know with instant certainty whether your course of action is the right one to propel you forward.

Step 3: Performance

We help you identify the right actions to take to double your revenue, and propel you forward to execute that game plan.

This sets your targets and goals WITHOUT the need for goal setting.

This is where you’ll execute and gauge your progress to ensure you’re not failing.

When you do this right it’s impossible to fail and you’ll have ultimate clarity on what direction to take your actions.

Here’s the deal…

The Unforget Yourself® System gives you everything you need to hit the ground running TODAY.

Think about it. What would it be like knowing that you’ve FINALLY broken through and created a breakthrough for your business? That you’ve rekindled the passion for impacting people all around the world? And enjoying yourself with a balanced, fulfilled life in the process?

I’ll tell you, it feels amazing! We know what it’s like to be stuck in a rut, failing with course after course, and losing the drive to keep working.

But when we discovered The Unforget Yourself® System, we finally felt free and secure, and still do today. That’s what we want for you.

This is exactly what you’ll gain from this powerful course – the help to remove your obstacles preventing you from growing your businesses…

So you can potentially double your revenue… Reach more of your ideal audience… Build and make a tremendous impact on your tribe…

And fall in love with your business all over again… While shedding the frustration of stagnant results once and for all… And establish you as THE expert in your field.

And as quickly as the first session.

Is that what you’re looking for?

Here’s a Breakdown...

When you secure your access to The Unforget Yourself® System today, you’ll discover the plan, principles and practices to finally break the dreaded BTF Cycle.

Identify the roadblocks keeping you from growing your business…

Show you the exact steps to turn those roadblocks into rocket fuel…

Show you the right courses of action to take to double your revenue…

Make sure you never fail again….

Now, we’re the type of people who love go-getters, and we reward people who are decisive.

So move forward with us today to secure your spot in this life-changing course before we fill up and close the doors.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’re getting

Let’s talk value:

Mindset Training Real Value $3,997
Meditation Immersion Real Value $4,997
Journaling Masterclass Real Value $1,497
Breathwork Accelerator & Decelerator Real Value $1,497
The Science of Emotions Real Value $2,497
Mind, Body and Soul Secrets Real Value $2,497
Live Q&A Coaching Calls Real Value $7,680
Private Community Area Real Value $997
Downloadable Guides Real Value $297
Online Access for Life $PRICELESS
If Bought Separately: OVER $25,956


Pay in full and you also get:

Live pre-course ‘Focus Session’ to personalize your whole experience, gain clarity on exactly why you joined and what you’re looking to achieve/change, set you up for how to make the most program, what to look out for along the way, etc… 

Real Value $1,297

Special training to find even greater clarity, enthusiasm,  and energy with the of hope and optimism about who you truly are and what you really can create in your life.

Real Value $497

Special training to discover effective techniques to know exactly what to say, how to speak up, even have difficult conversations, resolve conflicts… all to be fully heard.

Real Value $497

Special training to release fears, pains, and blocks that cause hesitation and anxiety – to feel lighter, energized and excited for how your life is now changing.

Real Value $497


OVER $28,744


Just $997!
One-time payment of $997 or 3 monthly installments of $397

Join today 🚀

But we’re not done…

Our promise to you

We’re so sure that Unforget Yourself® will get results for you that we could offer you a risk-free guarantee, if that’s what you need.

If you book your sessions, show up, fully participate, complete your worksheets,  implement everything we teach and it doesn’t work for you, we could refund your investment or work with you until it does

Now it’s time to make a decision.

Thank you for believing in me. The people I used to work with didn’t.

“Thank you so much. It’s nice to work with people who ‘get it’, who do what’s they say they’ll do, when they say they’ll do it. It’s hard to find these days. Thank you for believing in me. The people I used to work with didn’t. So let me get this thing off the ground and show them and the world how this life is done properly! ”

Andrew, United Kingdom

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The reward is worthy of your effort. YOU are worth the effort.

Or you can continue to compromise with your life. Your choice.

A little more?

You now have three options…

Option 1: Do absolutely nothing and stay where you are right now.

If you’re not frustrated about the lack of results for your business then maybe you don’t need this program. But if you’ve read this far, I’m guessing that’s not the case, which leaves you with two other options.

Option 2: Do it yourself.

You can scour the entire internet for strategies similar to this one… Spending hours upon hours putting together what you “think” might bring similar results… Watch hundreds of hours of YouTube videos, trying to sort out the good from the bad, hoping that one of them finally gives you the secret formula… Wasting thousands of dollars on books, training programs, and coaching that you “think” might work (but still keep you stuck in the BTF Cycle)…

All while continuing to grind it out, losing passion, and living with the frustration knowing that YOU can impact lives around the world but can’t do anything about it… And endure failure after failure while trying to figure it all out. If you’re willing to put in weeks and weeks of effort and research in front of your laptop, going through the dreaded trial and error process never knowing what works and what doesn’t, and you’re willing to *risk* your sanity, you MIGHT be able to pull it off.

Option 3: Let us do the heavy lifting for you.

We’ll put our proven system to work for you. We’ve done the legwork over the last 10 years and put together the 9 strategic components of success so you don’t have to wonder whether you’re doing it right.

We’ve written out the entire strategy, from soup to nuts, so that you have everything you need to get started. All you need to do is grab your spot in the program.

Of these three options, ask yourself… What’s going to be easier for you?

You see, there are two types of people in this world – Those who only dream about achieving their goals without ever taking any action to make it happen,  and those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

Most people will tell you they want to chase their dreams but we both know very few actually make it happen.

Most people will keep dreaming, while the few who are actually serious about their future will take action. Since you’re still with us, we think you’re one of the few special ones! One of the “unicorns” of go-getters we’re looking for.

We’re ready to make you the next success story. But only you can decide.

Join today, and start building the business of your dreams and get on with impacting lives around the world.

#YouGotThis  #WeGotYou

Love, Katie & Mark x

The reward is worthy of your effort. YOU are worth the effort.

Or you can continue to compromise with your life. Your choice.

The only way to create a new future is to do something different and radical now.

Sounds AMAZING? I know, right?!

It’s time to put your happiness first

We wanted to take what we’ve learned from years of searching, learning and applying and create a simple roadmap for you to use – instead of you having to spend more time and money trying to sort out what actually works.

It’s time to eliminate “it’s fine” from your vocabulary!

Apply Today!




8 modules full of the good stuff
8 live sessions to learn & laugh
28 days from ‘it’s fine’ to ‘amazing’
Recorded video & audio
100% money back guarantee

I'm ready!

One-time payment



Pre-course focus session
8 modules full of the good stuff
3 bonus training sessions
8 live sessions to learn & laugh
28 days from ‘it’s fine’ to ‘amazing’
Recorded video & audio
100% money back guarantee

I'm ready!

Join today 🚀

Yes, this actually works!

I'm ready, sign me up! sign me up with a payment plan

Any questions?

What exactly is Prime Your Light?

Prime Your Light is our flagship course that empowers those who are ready to make a change in their life by finally telling themselves the truth about how they feel and what they really want. We guide you through the rules that you live by, the boundaries that you don’t, and the control that you have given away and the justifications that have kept you where you are for way too long.

“Prime” means to make ready, prepare, improve… “Your Light” is who you are at your core, your essence, how you uniquely shine and show up in the world. We help you to put those two things together and BOOM! #ThereYouAre

How much time commitment is needed?

There will be two one-hour live Zoom calls per week, scheduled on a day and time to suit you, for four weeks. The rest of your time commitment is up to you, to implement the ideas, engage in the practices and TAKE ACTION in your life. You’ll love actually DOING the things and putting all that we offer into practice during your week. #WhatMoreCouldYouAskFor

How do I get started? When do we start?

Once you have signed up we will be in touch within 24 hours to welcome you, cover any further questions you might have and to organise your schedule with us. Your 4 weeks begin on our first scheduled call.

Can I do Prime Your Light more than once?

Yes. All your calls will be safely recorded and available for you to access, to watch and learn from again at your leisure whenever you want after the course ends.

What if I fall behind?

Your life, your future, your happiness should be your absolute priority – and we will of course match your commitment.  However, if anything pops up that makes you miss any calls, life will go on. We will do all we can to rearrange and keep you on track.

Of course you will get the most benefit from keeping up and staying commitment to the schedule. You do you, yet we strongly encourage you to keep pace with the course schedule.

Will Prime Your Light work for me?

Um, yes… IF you actually DO THE THINGS. Doing = results.

Is the content available immediately?

We have a set process to make the course as digestible as possible, not to add overwhelm to your life by throwing everything at you all at once! The content will be carefully delivered on our 1-2-1 calls. #PatienceDanielSon

I’m in! BUT... what if I decide it's not for me after the course starts?

Lucky you, there’s a money back guarantee. We’re so confident that you will too we’ll make this risk-free… If you show up, put the work in but don’t see any results, we’ll refund your investment.

You snooze, you lose! We will not be offering this course as 'private coaching' forever. Take advantage of this personal offer today!

Dear friend, please stop living halfway. Stop half-assing it by trying things and not following through.

Stop feeling just fine and stop thinking you’ll eventually do the thing/feel better/find what you’re looking for.

Start making the choices you need to change and then do them. If you are willing to do that, we got you. And you got this.

It’s time to remember your dreams, and it’s time to finally realize, create and live them.
It’s time you lived your best day… every day.

Apply Today!